Raptor Visitation Procedure for Gregori High School
Frequently Asked Questions
What is the RAPTOR system?
The safety of our students and staff is our highest priority, and we will do everything within reason to maintain safe campuses. Raptor is a web-based software application that has been developed with the purpose of aiding school districts in tracking their visitors. Raptor not only provides an effective, efficient method for tracking, but also goes beyond conventional applications by utilizing available public databases to help improve campus security. It will allow our schools to produce visitor badges, monitor volunteer hours, and electronically check all visitors against registered sexual offender databases or internal campus alerts. The overall goal is to know who is on our Modesto City Schools campuses at all times; thus, providing enhanced protection for our students and staff.
How does it work?
Identification (Drivers’ license or other government issued card) information is compared to a data base that consists of registered sex offenders from all 50 states. If a match is found, campus administrators and law enforcement personnel can take appropriate steps to keep the campus safe.
Why is Modesto City Schools using this system?
Safety of our students and staff is a top priority. Raptor will provide a consistent system to track visitors and volunteers, while identifying people who may present a danger to students and staff. The system quickly prints visitor badges identifying the visitor, the date, and the purpose of the visit.
What other information is the school taking from the identification/license?
Raptor is only scanning the visitor’s name, date of birth, partial license number, and photo for comparison with a national database of registered sex offenders. Only the minimum data needed to accurately identify an entrant is collected (address information, social security number, physical characteristic data, are never captured). Additional visitor data will not be gathered, and no data will be shared with any outside company or organization.
Are you performing full criminal background checks on visitors?
Do we scan every visitor into the system, including MCS employees?
MCS employees who do not have an employee badge visible must be scanned and wear the Raptor badge. For employees who have their employee badge visible, no visitor badge is necessary, however, they should be logged into the system.
Do we have the right to require visitors, even parents, to produce identification before entering the campus?
Yes. In accordance with California Penal Code 627, schools need to be sure of who is on the campus, why they are there, and particularly if a student is involved (e.g., early pickup) – be able to confirm that an individual has the authority to have access to the student. You can only do this by knowing exactly with whom you are dealing.
What if the person refuses to show or does not have identification?
Contact the site administrator and/or school security personnel immediately. The administrator can question the individual and explain the process to them. The administrator, based on this knowledge of the person and situation, can make a determination to allow entry, or refuse access to the facility and/or a student, or, at the administrator’s discretion, the student and visitor can meet in the office.
How can the District handle undocumented persons who visit our schools?
In the event that a visitor has no scan-able form of ID, the Raptor system allows for the manual entry of information (first name, last name, and date of birth) for screening purposes.
Do I scan First Responders or similar governmental officials into the system?
Not during an emergency. However, for non-emergency visits, yes. Again, this is to allow you to know who is on campus at all times. However, emergency personnel visiting a campus or on other official business can be given the option to have their information entered manually by presenting their badge or state-issued identification.
If a “hit” comes back indicating that the person just scanned is a registered sex offender, do I have reason to fear?
Some sexual offenders may be relatives of one of your students. Normal caution should always be followed. Paying attention to the individual’s demeanor, body language and verbal cues is, as in any situation, the key to your personal safety. If in doubt, always summon help immediately. Remain calm and ask the person to take a seat, as school officials must approve the visit.
Do we have to give listed sexual offenders and predators access to our school?
Generally speaking, unless the individual is wanted by the Police, as long as they have a legitimate reason to be on campus (e.g., visiting a legal dependent) you cannot give a blanket “No.” However, such individuals should only be given limited access and should be accompanied at all times by an adult representative of the school. When in doubt, consult with the school administrator or Senior Director, Child Welfare & Attendance.