School-Level Parental Involvement/Engagement Policy
Gregori High School has developed a written parental involvement policy with input for school parents. The policy was crafted and reviewed at the Parent Involvement/Engagement (“Gregori Parent Club”) meeting in September 2019. It has distributed the policy to parents of students through the office, website, and parent newsletter.
Involvement of Parents
To involve parents at Gregori High School, the following practices have been established:
The school involves parents in an organized, ongoing, and timely way, in the planning, review, and improvement of the school’s parental involvement policy.
Parents are regularly asked for input through their participation on the Gregori Parents Club and through other parent-based organizations on campus (i.e., English Learners Parent Participation, Gregori Athletic Booster Club, Gregori Ag Boosters, Gregori Musical Arts Association, etc.)
The school provides parents with an explanation of the curriculum used at the school, the assessments used to measure student progress, and the proficiency levels students are expected to meet.
Course catalogs, teacher syllabi, school website, parent newsletters, etc.
If requested by parents, the school provides opportunities for regular meetings that allow the parents to participate in decisions relating to the education of their children.
Administration, counselors, and teachers are available for parent meetings as requested; in addition to our regularly scheduled parent-based organizations.
Building Capacity for Involvement
Gregori High School engages parents in meaningful interactions with the school. It supports a partnership among staff, parents, and the community to improve student academic achievement. To help reach these goals, the school has established the following practices.
The school provides parents with assistance in understanding the State’s academic content standards, assessments, and how to monitor and improve the achievement of their children.
Course catalogs, teacher syllabi, school website, parent newsletters, various parent presentations, etc.
The school provides parents with materials and training to help them work with their children to improve their children’s achievement.
Parent portal PowerSchool trainings, student planners, E.L. reclassification, etc.
With the assistance of parents, the school educates staff members about the value of parent contributions, and in how to work with parents as equal partners.
Gregori Parent Club “Parent Social”, staff meeting presentations
The school coordinates and integrates the parental involvement program with other programs, and conducts other activities, to encourage and support parents in more fully participating in the education of their children.
The Gregori Parent Involvement/Engagement Committee was integrated with our Gregori Parent Club to encourage and support both organizations.
The school distributes information related to school and parent programs, meetings, and other activities to parents in a format and language that the parents understand.
Gregori has a dedicated translator (Spanish) and many site personnel that translate and assist parents
The school provides support for parental involvement activities requested by parents.
Staff and parents work together through parent-based support organizations to meet the needs and requests of parents in a coordinated effort to support all students.
Gregori High School provides opportunities for the participation of all parents, including parents with limited English proficiency, parents with disabilities, and parents of migratory students. Information and school reports are provided in a format and language that parents understand.
Gregori has a dedicated translator (Spanish) and many site personnel that translate and assist parents, as well provide various school documents and parent communications in Spanish.