Gregori Welcome Letter 2021 – 2022
Welcome to Gregori High School. This is our twelfth year of providing an excellent educational experience for all of our students. Gregori High is all about relationships. The relationships we build, and nurture are vital to the work we do. Gregori High’s success is laid within the work of our Small Learning Communities, our belief that not all answers are found in the same box and supported by our ability to identify and support student and staff needs. Gregori High is a "big city" school with a small-town feel. I want every student, parent, and community member to understand that we are here to serve them. Our academic reputation is built around high expectations for all students. Our school strives to provide excellent customer service and communication to all of our parents and the community at large.
It is critical that we are all working together to support our students in the pursuit of academic achievement as well as the social-emotional wellbeing. With the disruption that COVID has had on the education system, our goal is to identify the barriers that have appeared with each student and find a way to meet their individual needs. We are committed to each JAG family we will provide the very best living up to our name's sake Joe Gregori who always use to say: “I never expect more of you then I do of myself…but I gotta tell ya…I expect a lot of myself.”
It is going to be another very exciting year at Joseph A. Gregori High School. I encourage all of you to come out and see many talents of our student body at all of the activities our JAGS pursue with excellence.
JAGs are loyal, JAGs have integrity, and JAGs achieve.
Have a great school year!
Derek Pendley, Principal